Change the world
Office of Research Development
Facilitator: Professor Louise Vincent (M.Phil. D.Phil. Oxon) is a qualitative research methodologist with a particular passion for narrative research. She works as a research capacity development consultant for a number of universities – assisting academic staff and masters and doctoral students with a range of research endeavours, including proposal writing, writing for publication, qualitative data generation methods, qualitative data analysis methods, qualitative analysis software, transcription, literature reviewing and the use of theory in qualitative data interpretation.
Target Group: Supervisors and Postgraduate students
Background: Making and supporting arguments is central to all academic work.
In this workshop we focus on:
This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)
Date: 12 October 2022
Time: 09h00-16h30
Platform: Online via MS Teams
Registration: Registration for this workshop has closed.
Kindly note: The maximum capacity of this workshop is 20 participants.
Enquiries: Jadine Januarie