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Facilitator: Mr Solani Ngobeni is the Publishing Director at the Centre for Scholarly Publishing Services (Pty) Ltd. He was previously the Director of Publications at the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), an institute of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). He holds a Master of Arts degree in Publishing Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He is a published researcher and is the editor of a scholarly book titled Scholarly Publishing in Africa: opportunities and impediments, Africa Institute of South Africa, 2010.


Target Group: Masters and Doctoral Candidates, Postdoctoral Fellows and Early-Career Academics


Background: The Centre for Scholarly Publishing Services (Pty) Ltd has been conducting Virtual Writing Retreats popularly known as symposium on enhancing the publishing capability of early career researchers for various universities during the national lockdown. These retreats are aimed at capacitating them as far as the writing and publishing of journal articles, scholarly books, book chapters and conference proceedings are concerned. The programme is arranged in such a way that by the end of the retreat, the researchers will have completed their journal articles and submitted them to various journals for consideration for possible publication.


The symposium will cover the following modules:

  • Overview of publishing in South Africa
  • Overview of scholarly publishing in South Africa
  • Overview of specifications of journal articles (what journal editors want in an article)
  • A comparative analysis of theoretical journal articles vis-à-vis fieldwork based journal articles
  • Getting started and choosing a relevant journal for your article
  • The peer-review and publishing process
  • The finances of publishing
  • Overview of open access predatory journals

Requirements: Each participant is required to submit a well-considered, well-articulated research study in the form of a draft journal article to, by close of business Wednesday, 28 September 2022. If you already have a draft available, kindly attach it along with your application form.


If you would like to attend the workshop above, please complete the following form and submit. A message on the page will indicate that the form has been successfully submitted and an email confirming receipt of the form will be sent to the email address given. 

Kindly note that submitting a registration form is not confirmation that you have been included as a participant for this workshop.

The status of your registration will be communicated via email once registration has closed.








What campus are you based at?:














I commit to full attendance of the workshop on the specified dates and if unable to attend, I will notify Jadine Januarie at The Office of Research Development.

I have discussed this workshop with my manager/supervisor and they have agreed to release me for the duration of the workshop.






 Security code

*Please Note: This information is required for DHET reporting purposes.


The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPI Act) has been promulgated and implemented on 1 July 2020. All personal identifiable information provided by you shall be treated in accordance with this statute and only used for academic and academic administration purposes, as indicated by the University Privacy Policy. I hereby provide consent for use of all my personal identifiable information provided to the University for the aforesaid purposes.

This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)


Workshop Information

12-16 September 2022

New date: 3-7 October 2022


Online via MS Teams

Registration is open (online form available on this page) and closes on 26 September 2022 or when the maximum participant number has been reached.

Please note: Only 20 participants can be accommodated at this workshop


Enquiries: Jadine Januarie