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Facilitator: Professor Nonnie Botha is an Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Education, Nelson Mandela University. She has served the academic community at a number of national universities and held management positions at several of them, e.g. Dean of the Faculty of Education across seven campuses at the then Vista University, Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies at the then UPE and Director of the School for Education Research and Engagement at NMMU. She contributed to the shaping of the incorporation of Vista University into UPE and, subsequently, the merger of PE Technikon with UPE. She currently works on contract for the NMMU, other universities and the NRF from time to time.

She has supervised the research of a significant number of Masters’ and Doctoral students and has published widely in scholarly journals and books over the years. Her research and publications cover topics ranging from school mathematics, student identities, mergers in higher education and research trends, to Africanising the higher education curriculum, postgraduate supervision and interculturalism in higher education. Her current research interests involve postgraduate policies, practices and pedagogies as well as higher education curriculum and management.  

Target Group: Academic staff across all disciplines.


Background: This is a one-day workshop that explains a range of supervision models that is used nationally and internationally to supervise Honours, Master’s and Doctoral research projects. The supervision models covered in the workshop are one-to-one supervision (one supervisor, one student), co-supervision (two supervisors, one student), team supervision (a team of supervisors, one student), group supervision (one supervisor, several students), cohort supervision (several supervisors, several students). The power and pitfalls of each model and the way it could work in practice are discussed. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and observations about any of these models of supervision.


This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)


Related Information


  • 25 July 2024


  • 09h00-16h30


  • To be confirmed

Online Platform:

  • MS Teams


  • Registration for this workshop has closed.


Please noteThe maximum capacity of this workshop is 20 participants.

