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Researchers (staff and/or students) of currently active studies who determine that the discontinuation or closure of study is imminent for whatever reasons, are required to complete and submit a notification for the discontinuation/closure of the study.

For the discontinuation of a study and therefore the data collection for which ethics approval was granted, the discontinuation/closure report should be submitted no later than 1 month after reaching such a conclusion.  

For the imminent closure of a study, a closure report may be submitted on conclusion of data collection activities as long as it is known that no further interaction with participants will be conducted. An updated progress report (RECH-004), original signed approval letter and original approved application must be submitted with the closure report.


Closure or Discontinuation of data collection reports for studies granted original ethics approval via MEOS, must be submitted on MEOS.

  1. Refer to the MEOS How-to Manuals/Videos on the REC-H website.
  2. Log into MEOS using your Nelson Mandela University username and password.
  3. Click on the project for which an extension is required.
  4. Click the [Create Sub Form] button in the left-hand panel.
  5. Select REC-H: Progress-Extension/Closure Report and click [Create]. 
  6. Students are advised to share the form with their supervisors.
  7. Complete the form.
  8. Sign the form.
  9. Request the signature of the PRP (Primary Responsible Person).
  10. Once signed by all relevant parties, the form will be automatically submitted for review.


  1. Download the RECH-008 (Closure/Discontinuation Report) template.
  2. Researchers are required to familiarise themselves with the instructions and terminology provided on page 1 of the form.
  3. Complete the form in full.  Provide suitable responses to each item on the form.  Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms might result in a delay of the review and approval process.
  4. The Closure/Discontinuation report (RECH-008) must be supported by a current Progress Report (RECH-004). However, if a progress report has been submitted and approved within three months of the date of the closure report, the letter of approval for the progress report may be submitted instead.
  5. The completed Closure/Discontinuation Report (RECH-008), Progress Report (RECH-004), original signed approval letter and extension letter(s) (if applicable) and original approved application must be submitted to Mr Imtiaz Khan.