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There are various ethics training courses available online:

TRREE (Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation)

  • The TRREE on-line training programme covers the ethics and regulation of health research involving human participants. It is suggested that Modules 1, 2.1 and 3.1 as well as the South African national supplement are completed. The training can be completed in one's own time with the total estimated time for these modules at 6-8 hours.

Macquarie University's Social Sciences Ethics Training

  • The Macquarie University's online ethics training module is a  free educational resource that examines the particular ethical issues raised by social science and humanities research. You will need to register on the system to complete the free course. The training module is divided into 6 basic parts. It takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete the module. There is a quiz at the end of each section with multiple choice questions. If you fail one section, you may take the quiz in that section again, but you can only do so after 24 hours. You must correctly answer 2/3 of the questions in each section to pass that section. After all sections have been passed, a certificate for the ethics training can be printed.

University of Oslo Research Ethics and Research Integrity Training Course

  • The aim of this free 8-week online training is to provide relevant knowledge, necessary skills, and procedures for evaluating and conducting biomedical and health related research in different contexts. It also provides the necessary tools for ethical deliberation. In addition, the aim is to promote ethical attitudes required for a better understanding of the main ethical challenges within medical and health-related research ethics and research integrity, and to sensitize participants regarding the relation between global ethical problems in research, your own context, and cultural reality.

Conflict of Interest in Health Research

  • UCT, in partnership with researchers in Kenya, Cameroon, Lebanon and elsewhere in South Africa, is steering a project to develop materials in the form of a toolkit and online course to assist organisations in identifying and addressing conflicts of interest.

The Global Health Network Research Ethics Online Training

  • Research Ethics Online Training is adapted from an e-Learning course and resource package designed and produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) for use by internal staff. This is a substantial course and each of the 14 areas addressed is available as an individual module. Each module varies in length but no module should take longer than 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Certification is issued after successfully completing the course.