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Researchers requiring an extension of data collection activities for a study making use of human participants must submit an application for extension 4-6 weeks before the expiry of the current ethics approval period.

Failure to do so may result in the immediate suspension or termination of all data collection activities linked to the study upon the expiry of the approval period.

Please note the following:

  • Any extension applications received after the expiry date of the current ethics approval period will require submission of a NEW application.
  • An extension cannot be granted on a lapsed protocol.
  • New applications must be submitted via the relevant faculty committee (or on MEOS for those faculties using the ethics online system).
  • Data collection may not commence or continue if ethics approval has lapsed.
  • Any data collected without ethics approval may not be used for research purposes.
  • Unless there are extenuating circumstances, continuous applications for extension/renewal of a particular study will not be viewed in a favourable light.


All extensions for studies originally approved on MEOS, must be submitted on MEOS.

  1. Refer to the MEOS How-to Manuals/Videos on the REC-H website.
  2. Log into MEOS using your Nelson Mandela University username and password.
  3. Click on the project for which an extension is required.
  4. Click the [Create Sub Form] button in the left-hand panel.
  5. Select REC-H: Progress-Extension/Closure Report and click [Create]. 
  6. Students are advised to share the form with their supervisors.
  7. Complete the form indicating that an extension is required.
  8. Sign the form.
  9. Request the signature of the PRP (Primary Responsible Person).
  10. Once signed by all relevant parties, the form will be automatically submitted for review.


Documentation required for an extension:

  • RECH-005 - Extension application form
  • RECH-004 - Progress report
  • Original signed ethics approval letter (this indicates the risk level of the study as well as the original approval body).
  • Any subsequent approval of extension letters (if any), all approval of progress report letters (if any).
  • Original approved application form (RECH-001)

Submission of documentation:

Faculty-approved / Low-risk protocols:

  • Extension requests for faculty-approved / low-risk protocols must be submitted to the relevant faculty contact and will serve at faculty level.

RECH-approved protocols / Medium-High risk protocols:

  • Extensions to protocols originally approved by REC-H and all medium/high risk protocols must serve at REC-H for approval (refer to REC-H meeting schedule for agenda cut-off dates).
  • Applications must be submitted to