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All applications to conduct research with human participants must first be submitted to the relevant Faculty Postgraduate Study Committee (FPGSC) for the scientific review and approval of the project proposal and guidance on ethical considerations.

Proposals for studies for non-degree purposes from applicants in a faculty as well as those that are not affiliated to a faculty (e.g. Library Services, CriSHET, CANRAD, etc.) must submit their proposals and ethics applications through a peer review process at Faculty level. Those applicants that are affiliated to support service departments or centres (e.g., Library Services, CriSHET, CANRAD, etc.) must identify a relevant faculty committee to submit the proposal/ethics application for review.

All applications for ethics approval are first reviewed at faculty level. Negligible/low risk studies are subject to expedited review and approval by members co-opted from the FPGSC to temporarily serve as members of the Research Ethics Committee (Human) (REC-H). Medium/high risk studies will be referred to REC-H for ethical review and approval, after they have served at FPGSC.

The workflow for the application review and approval process is summarised below.


Kindly note that external researchers i.e. researchers not affiliated to the Nelson Mandela University, with or without ethics clearance from an NHREC-accredited research ethics committee, who wish to conduct research using Nelson Mandela University Staff and/or Students as participants should follow the process External Parties wishing to conduct Research using University Staff and/or Students