The call for funding in 2024 is closed.
Support for high-level skills development is important for accelerating South Africa’s transition to an innovation-led, knowledge-based economy. The first few years following the completion of a doctoral qualification are critical to the establishment of a successful research career. It is during this early career phase that the skills and knowledge developed through postgraduate training are entrenched. Dedicated support for emerging researchers is a prerequisite for promoting and accelerating their career progression to becoming leading international scholars. Nelson Mandela University aspires to increase the number of postdoctoral and research fellows as part of its strategic focus on building and strengthening the profiles of researchers who are emerging.
The Nelson Mandela University postdoctoral and research fellowships are intended to fund doctoral graduates and researchers, with the long-term view of renewing and replenishing the leading international researcher cohort to sustain the enterprise. For this framework, postdoctoral fellows are doctoral graduates who will enhance their post-PhD research training during the fellowship. Research fellows are emerging researchers who have completed a postdoctoral fellowship or have formal relevant research experience aligned to Nelson Mandela University’s institutional research themes.
The Automotive Industry Development Centre Eastern Cape (AIDC-EC) was established in 2003 and is a wholly owned enterprise of the Eastern Cape Development Corporation. It’s mandate is to assist the automotive industry to remain viable and/or become more globally competitive, which includes human capacity development. The AIDC EC’s annual budget is supported by the provincial government, but it is required to generate increasing levels of funding towards self-sustainability.
The applications for postdoctoral or research fellowships must be submitted by the host researcher who must be a permanent member of staff, Emeritus Professor or Research Associate of the University, with a proven research track record in the specific area of the prospective postdoctoral or research fellow. The AIDC-EC Chair holder is Mr Martin Sanne and will host the AIDC-EC postdoctoral fellows. Therefore, prospective fellows who meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for AIDC-EC postdoctoral fellowship by completing the application form supporting documents.
The Postdoctoral and Research Fellowships Framework document should be read in conjunction with the Postdoctoral and Research Fellowships Policy (IRC 402.09) (Kindly note that this policy is only available to staff and students of Nelson Mandela University).
Eligibility Criteria:
The eligibility criteria applicable to host researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research fellows are outlined in the Call Framework Document.
Application Process:
Applications for the Mandela University Council Postdoctoral Fellowships and the Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowships, as well as the Mandela Research Fellowships must be submitted by the Host researcher. Senior researchers who wish to host postdoctoral or research fellows are invited to complete and submit (via email) the application form and accompanying documents to Ms Welma van Heerden ( by Monday, 02 October 2023.
Unfortunately, late applications cannot be considered incomplete applications will be rejected.
The following attachments should be submitted with the application:
Host researcher’s CV
CV of prospective fellow
Host letter of support indicating that the necessary research infrastructure, resources and funds for undertaking the research and supporting the fellow exists within their faculty/school/department.
Two letters of reference for the prospective fellow
Certified copy of fellow’s Identity document/passport
Certified copy of the fellow’s doctoral qualification. For those awaiting graduation, an institutional letter stating that the requirements for the doctoral qualification have been fulfilled. Doctoral candidates awaiting the outcome of their thesis examination must attach a letter from their current institution confirming that their doctoral thesis is under examination.
The AIDC-EC Chair holder is Mr Martin Sanne and will host the AIDC-EC postdoctoral fellows. Therefore, prospective fellows who meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for AIDC-EC postdoctoral fellowship by completing the application form and attaching the following supporting documents:
Application cover letter
Detailed CV
Two letters of reference/recommendation from two external academics (i.e. not employed by Mandela University),
Certified copy of fellow’s Identity document/passport,
Certified copy of the fellow’s doctoral qualification. For those awaiting graduation, an institutional letter stating that the requirements for the doctoral qualification have been fulfilled. Doctoral candidates awaiting the outcome of their thesis examination must attach a letter from their current institution confirming that their doctoral thesis is under examination.
NOTE: Kindly insert the name of the fellowship being applied for in the subject line of the email to the Office of Research Development.
Contact Details:
All queries may be directed to Ms Welma van Heerden (