External Funding Opportunities

The NRF remains the largest external funder for emerging researchers who are permanent or fixed term contract employees at the Nelson Mandela University.

Some of the main NRF programmes from which funding for emerging researchers is received are:

  • Black Academics Advancement Programme (BAAP): This programme is a directed intervention aimed at promoting the development of Black academics specifically, Black South African citizens and academic staff with disabilities, by accelerating the training of PhD and Post-PhD candidates to enhance their research training and accelerate their progression to become established researchers.
  • Thuthuka: The objectives of the Thuthuka funding instrument are to
    • Promote the attainment of a doctoral qualification, by early career academics employed at South African public universities, science councils and other research institutions as recognised by the NRF;
    • Promote the research development of early career academics employed at South African public universities, science councils and other research institutions as recognised by the NRF;
    • Promote the attainment of an NRF rating by early career academics, in particular black and female researchers and persons with disabilities;
    • Promote the attainment of an NRF rating by academics that have not been able to realise their potential or sustain their research ability by virtue of the lack of an enabling research environment;
    • Promote the attainment of an NRF rating by academics that have not been able to realise their potential or sustain their research outputs due to family responsibilities.
  • Postdoctoral fellowships: Postdoctoral fellowships are aimed at providing a comprehensive training, development, and mentorship programme for the establishment of an independent researcher involved in engaged research. DSI and NRF supports postdoctoral fellowships to promote research and research capacity development in all knowledge fields. More information can be found on the NRF website.

The South African Medical Research Council 's (SAMRC) vision is to build a healthy nation through research and innovation. For this vision to be realised, health researchers (locally and internationally) need funding to access the necessary resources and facilities. While the SAMRC funds many internal and external research projects itself, as well as in collaboration with partnering institutions, it also connects innovative researchers with like-minded organisations across the world that provide funding opportunities. More information can be found on the SAMRC website.

Internal Research Grants

There are three internal funding opportunities, funded by the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG), available to Nelson Mandela University staff members conducting research, namely:

1. Research Development Fund (RDF): This fund is available to staff members conducting research, who do not currently have access to external grant funding. The RDF is intended to provide funding primarily in three categories, namely:

  • Seed funding for emerging researchers
  • Post PhD funding
  • Bridging funding for new staff at Nelson Mandela University


2. Teaching Relief Grant TRG)The Teaching Relief Grant (TRG) provides funding for lecturer replacement to enable emerging academics to focus on inter alia completion of masters and doctoral degrees or writing and publication of research outputs. The TRG is meant to provide supplementary funding and will not cover the full cost of a sabbatical.


3. Conference Travel Fund (CTF)This fund is intended to provide financial support to academic staff planning to deliver oral presentations at conferences related to their Masters, Doctoral or Postdoctoral research.



- lists the major funding opportunities available for postgraduate studies.

Some of the funding opportunities are administered by the Office of Research Development. Other opportunities are administered by external bodies and students/researchers are encouraged to visit the websites provided.

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Further information can be found on the *Research Professional page.