By accepting FCS or PCS funding from the NRF, the student agrees to complete the degree in the stipulated period i.e., within a year after NRF funding has ceased. Failure to meet this commitment, especially if it is determined that it was due to negligence, would constitute a breach of contract and students must return all the monies paid to the NRF together with interest at the prevailing prime rate charged by the NRF bankers, unless a de-registration is approved by the NRF due to exceptional and extenuating circumstances.
The execution of a fee waiver will be at the discretion of the university and guided by the university processes.
If the electronic study device funding is not claimed in the first year of the award, the NRF will allow a carry forward of funds into the second year of the award. However, should the carry forward not be utilised in the second year, these funds will be forfeited.
No, the scholarship cannot be used to pay any outstanding debt. The scholarship must be used for the degree for which it was awarded only.