Change the world
Office of Research Development
Facilitator: Dr Kambidima Wotela studied demography and population studies for all his degrees. He is a recipient of various scholarships and fellowships including the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation fellowship and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation scholarship. He teaches systems thinking, monitoring and evaluation, as well as research and analytical methods at the WITS Graduate School of Governance. One of his current research strands is on approaches to research supervision.
Target Group: Postgraduate students doing their Honours, Masters and Doctoral research studies.
Background: This workshop examines how a conceptual research framework can be derived through reviewing literature.
Expected Outcomes: The following areas will be addressed through the discussions and with support from literature:
Requirements: All participants need to have drafted the following aspects of their research:
This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)
Date: 14 April 2022
Time: 09h00-15h00
Platform: Online via MS Teams
Registration: Registration for this workshop has closed.
Kindly note: The maximum capacity of this workshop is 20 participants
Enquiries: Jadine Januarie