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Facilitator: Professor Louise Vincent (M.Phil. D.Phil. Oxon) is a qualitative research methodologist with a particular passion for narrative research. She works as a research capacity development consultant for a number of universities – assisting academic staff and masters and doctoral students with a range of research endeavours, including proposal writing, writing for publication, qualitative data generation methods, qualitative data analysis methods, qualitative analysis software, transcription, literature reviewing and the use of theory in qualitative data interpretation.


Target Group: Masters and Doctoral Candidates (Please note that only 20 participants can be accommodated). 


Background: Qualitative data analysis begins with coding the data. In this workshop a variety of coding possibilities are introduced including first cycle and second cycle coding methods. The workshop takes participants through a process of manually coding a qualitative data set and makes the point that knowledge and experience of manually coding data is important to engage with prior to employing electronic methods. The workshop shows the relationship between coding, categorisation, theming and memo development. The workshop introduces participants to a wide variety of possible coding strategies; the importance of memo writing as an aspect of coding; how to move from codes to categories and from categories to themes and hierarchies. The relationship between (and difference between!) coding and analysis of data is discussed. Participants are provided with interview transcripts to work with in order to experiment with different levels and types of coding.


If you would like to attend the workshop above, please complete the following form and submit. A message on the page will indicate that the form has been successfully submitted and an email confirming receipt of the form will be sent to the email address given. 

Kindly note that submitting a registration form is not confirmation that you have been included as a participant for this workshop.

The status of your registration will be communicated via email once registration has closed.








What campus are you based at?:














I undertake to attend the workshop on the specified dates and if unable to attend, I will notify Jadine Januarie at The Office of Research Development.

I commit to full attendance of the workshop.

I have discussed this workshop with my manager/supervisor and they have agreed to release me for the duration of the above mentioned online workshop.





 Security code

*Please Note: This information is required for DHET reporting purposes.


The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPI Act) has been promulgated and implemented on 1 July 2020. All personal identifiable information provided by you shall be treated in accordance with this statute and only used for academic and academic administration purposes, as indicated by the University Privacy Policy. I hereby provide consent for use of all my personal identifiable information provided to the University for the aforesaid purposes.

This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)


Workshop Information

10 September 2022


Online via MS Teams

Registration is open (online form available on this page).

Kindly note: The maximum capacity of this workshop is 20 participants.


Enquiries: Jadine Januarie