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Facilitators: Prof Jackie du Toit is co-implementer of the Department of Higher Education and Training’s national collaborative Future Professors Programme (Phase 01). She is a NRF rated scholar. Her last book on movable cultural property, Canada’s Big Biblical Bargain, was published by McGill Queen’s Press. Prof Neil Roos is co-implementer of the Department of Higher Education and Training’s national collaborative Future Professors Programme (Phase 01) and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Fort Hare. He is a member of ASSAf and NRF rated historian. Teaching and curriculum design have been particular interests of Prof Roos’s career as professional historian, along with extensive experience of early and mid-career scholarly development. Prof du Toit and Prof Roos were co-directors of the Prestige Scholars Programme (PSP), an early career development initiative, at the UFS from 2011-2019 before joining the national initiative, the FPPA 2017 external review called the PSP “best practice” for a programme of this kind in the country. According to the review, the PSP’s experience, challenges and successes offered lessons for strategies to develop a next generation professoriate.


Target Group: Postgraduate students, Postdoctoral fellows and Early to Mid-career Academic staff


Background: This presentation will focus on what it means to be a scholar of global standing in the future South African academy. After the presentation, participants will be able to map a longer (5-8 year) intellectual strategy for their scholarly careers.


The presentation will address the following:

  • What does it mean to be a scholar irrespective of discipline?
  • Differentiating between academic time and institutional time
  • Thinking about the hierarchies of promotion and academic work 
  • Mapping a 5-8 year intellectual project and the role of funding, conferences, sabbaticals and successful postgraduate supervision in formulating the project
  • Publishing one's thesis/first book/first academic article
  • Scholarly teaching
  • Thinking about mentorship, collaborators, co-authors and research teams
  • The role of the NRF rating process and/or other external markers of scholarly progress in the life of a scholar

This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)


Workshop Information

26 October 2022


Senate Hall, Second Floor MTLC Building, North Campus
New venue: Business School, Ground Floor, Venue 0003, Second Avenue Campus 

Registration for this workshop has closed.

Kindly note: The maximum capacity of this workshop is 20 participants.


Enquiries: Jadine Januarie