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Facilitator: Mrs Anneret Joubert is a Training Librarian at the Nelson Mandela University South Campus Library. She is a practiced trainer in Library and Information Services and has been working in the library for more than ten years. Throughout her career, Mrs Joubert has been actively involved in various professional associations, library committees and training. She has a passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others in the field of Library and Information Services.


Target Group: Postgraduate students, researchers, and staff


Background: In today's digital age, accessing and utilising electronic books (e-books) has become an essential skill for researchers, students, and information professionals. With the vast amount of e-book resources available, it is crucial to have the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively navigate and locate relevant materials. During this interactive training session, participants will delve into the fundamentals of e-book research, exploring the benefits and unique features of FindPlus, EBSCOhost, and the library catalogue.



  • Introduction to E-books: Understanding the significance of e-books in research and learning, and their advantages over traditional print books.
  • Overview of FindPlus: Exploring the FindPlus platform, its interface, and its search capabilities. Participants will learn how to conduct effective searches, filter results, and navigate the various features specific to e-books.
  • Introduction to EBSCOhost: Understanding the features and functionalities of EBSCOhost, a comprehensive research platform. Participants will gain insights into accessing e-books within the EBSCOhost ecosystem and utilizing advanced search techniques to refine their results.


This workshop is funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG)


Workshop Information


5 September 2023
New date: 7 September 2023




South Campus Library Training Room


Registration for this workshop has closed.  


Enquiries: Jadine Januarie